Poster Session
The NSF Research Experience and Mentoring (REM) program is designed to support mentorship and collaborative research in the fields of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. The program allows for participants to engage in activities that improves their academic and career outlook while supporting the NSF Emerging Frontiers in Research and Innovation (EFRI) program and Engineering Research Centers (ERC).
The program is open for high school students, STEM teachers, undergraduate STEM students, faculty, and veterans. Given the collaborative nature of the REM program, a participant can expect to build of long-term partnerships among EFRI- and ERC-supported researchers, community colleges, local four-year colleges, and local school districts through this program.
UW-Madison EFRI-REM: Cyanobacteria Biorefineries
Established in 2013, the UW-Madison EFRI-REM program provides 10 week summer research experiences for a cohort of six female Chemical Engineering students annually. Selected students spend 10 weeks working on an individual research project with a focus on synthetic biology for the purpose of developing sustainable methods for producing biofuels and commodity chemicals.
The EFRI-REM program provides a suite of professional development activities for students including a focus on communication training. Participating students receive formal training in designing and presenting oral and poster presentations. Additionally, students will participate in an Improv workshop to strengthen their ability to answer questions. Students will use their acquired skills to present hands-on science and engineering lessons at a camp for middle school students.
As with all EFRI-REM programs there is a significant commitment to mentoring of EFRI-REM students, students work directly with graduate students and postdocs who receive mentor training. Mentoring of EFRI-REM participants continues after the completion of the program, mentors remain in continuous contact with their EFRI-REM students and help students as they progress in academic and professional careers.
Former UW-Madison EFRI-REM students are currently enrolled on top Chemical, Biological, and Biomedical Engineering graduate programs. If you are interested in participating in the UW-Madison EFRI-REM program please contact program director, Dr. Andrew Greenberg (
2014 EFRI-REM Students and Mentors