To access the Online Learning Community: Click Here
To enroll into the Online Learning Community: Guidelines
We created a private online learning community in Moodle (LMS) to share resources and materials from the Institute training. Moreover, the online platform can be utilized for questions, as well as sharing resources and best practices.
The purpose of our private online learning community is to provide the structure, resources, and information to support the mission of Mentoring Catalyst. Our online learning community is designed to help us clarify our professional development needs; sustain interaction; and engage in assessment and evaluation. In a nutshell, this is a private professional space wherein Mentoring Catalyst Members will use it as:
- “Gathering” space to engage in lively discussions, problem-solve, and share resources
- Discussing emerging topics and innovative ideas pertaining to mentoring
- Teambuilding – strengthening group relationships
- Professional Networking across the United States
- Learning spaces
- Information sharing- a place to share files and ideas
- Work spaces for focus group and data collection activities